Labaid Pharmaceuticals Limited Job Circular 2019 has been published in
the daily online newspaper for the jobs seekers and to get form all of
the necessary information with job circular image, published date,
application deadline, salary, applying process etc from CHomeBD.Com. We would like to inform you that, the Labaid Pharmaceuticals
Limited is a most popular Pharmaceuticals company under Labaid Company. If you are interested private Drugs company jobs in Bangladesh, you
can check this one by given the best job circular. If you are right candidate for this job please submit your application by maintain applying process.

Organization Name: Labaid
Pharmaceuticals Limited
Post Position Name: Medical Promotion Officer
Job Published Date: 22 March 2019
Application Deadline: ■
Salary: N/A
Educational Requirements: See Job Circular Image
Experience Requirements: See Job Circular Image
Number of Job Vacancy:
Age Limit for Jobs: 18-30 Years
Job Source: Prothom Alo Newpaper
Jobs Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh.
Job Nature: Full-time
Job Type: Private Origination Job
Employment Type: Permanent Job
Applying Procedure: See Job Circular Image

If you want to more Pharmaceuticals jobs circular to visit CHomeBD.Com.
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Jobs etc. Visit our website and share with your friends as well as
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Thanks for stay with us. Hope we help you!!
আমরা সংবিধান ও জনমতের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাশীল। তাই ধর্ম ও রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী এবং উষ্কানীমূলক কোনো বক্তব্য না করার জন্য পাঠকদের অনুরোধ করা হলো। কর্তৃপক্ষ যেকোনো ধরণের আপত্তিকর মন্তব্য মডারেশনের ক্ষমতা রাখেন।