Dhaka University 7 College Admission Notice 2017-18


The admission test session (2017-2018) application process will begin on Wednesday, October 25, 2017, in the first year of the 7th year's academic year. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Rafiqul Islam, Vice Chancellor of the Vice-Chancellor, will be present at 5:30 pm at the adjacent lounge. Md. Akhtaruzzaman will inaugurate this admission process. It will be inaugurated at the same time as affiliate government 7 college web sites.

Director (Acting) PR OfficeUniversity of Dhaka

Three units for admission test: 

(1) A unit = science 
(2) B unit = Art and Sociology
(3) C unit = business education.

N.B:Gha unit did not disclose about this unit.

Seven colleges affiliated to DU have begun application for admission test = 25/10/17 Application fee for admission test - 400 Taka ★ GPA requirement for examining seven colleges affiliated: - Science- 7.00 (4th subject), Business education-6.5 (with 4th subject) and Humanitarian-6.0 (4th subject) admission test will be of 120 and pass number 48 40% will get the mark.

N.B: did not talk side by side. Those who get more will be given preference to get their subject.

The time of admission test - 
Arts and Sociology - 01/12/17 (Friday), Trade Units - 02/12/17 (Saturday), Science Unit - 08/1/17. (Friday)
Admission Test - 60 minutes
Preparation for admission test: - Since the college affiliated to Dhaka is more likely to be questioned as the questionnaire of DU. So, if you take the pre-partition of Dhaka, two birds will be killed.

The colleges affiliated to Dhaka University are: (1) Dhaka College, (2) Eden Women's College, (3) Government Shaheed Suhrawardy College, (4) Kabi Nazrul College, (5) Begum Badrunnesa Government Women's College, (6) Mirpur Government Bangla College (7) Government Titumir College

Notes: You are apply this University by Online Application process. You can view online application on DU University official website. For more information about Dhaka University admission notice keep visit our website regularly.

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