Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018

Details about this circular:

At present Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018 has been published in daily newspaper in Bangladesh and also find on our website www.chomebd.com.Women and Children Affairs department has taken various measures to alleviate women’s poverty and also work for helpless women and children’s established. Women and Children Affairs arrange many kind of Training for women and children. Recently the department hire new vacancy of empty position. If you are interested in Women and Children Affairs job in Bangladesh so lets check the Women and Children Affairs Admission Notice 2018.

Organization Name:Women and Children Affairs.
Job Title:See Job Circular Image
Published Date:  17 March 2018
Application Deadline:  02 April 2018
Education Qualification: See Job Advertisement.
Job Experience: See Job Circular Image
Job Nature: Full-time
Job Type: Government (Women Affairs)
Employment Type: Permanent
Gender: Both (Male & Female)
Other Benefit: As per Government Policy
Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
Age Limit: 18-30 years
Job Level: 3rd Class Gov. Job Accounting /Finance
How to Apply: Follow the Below Job Circular Image

Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018
Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018


Hope you read Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018 on our website at www.chomebd.com. More Updates about Women and Children Affairs Training Admission Notice 2018 in Bangladesh will be found on our website CHomeBD.Com. You May connected with us. 

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আমরা সংবিধান ও জনমতের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাশীল। তাই ধর্ম ও রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী এবং উষ্কানীমূলক কোনো বক্তব্য না করার জন্য পাঠকদের অনুরোধ করা হলো। কর্তৃপক্ষ যেকোনো ধরণের আপত্তিকর মন্তব্য মডারেশনের ক্ষমতা রাখেন।